

At Vortex, we started our journey towards corporate social responsibility in 2018. We're passionate about making a positive impact on society and taking responsibility for the role we play.

That's why we're committed to giving back to the community through CSR initiatives that are integrated into our company culture.

Our volunteer programs have been a valuable learning experience for us, leaving us with a desire to do even more not only in local communities, but also in neighbouring countries to help the needy.

1000 enterprises for children in need - LogoSG Cares - Logo
Vortex giving out food to people in India during the Covid
Vortex giving out food during the Covid
Vortex staff painting a room
Vortex certificate awarded by 1000 enterprises for children in need.
Vortex Engineering | Sian Chay Award
Vortex Logisitics | Sian Chay Award
Vortex giving out food to people in the Philippines
Vortex staff during an outreach in the Philippines
Vortex staff in a group photo with children during an outreach in India
Vortex staff sharing food to children in India
Vortex giving out food during the Covid